G.G Education of Paramedical Science is an educational organization registered as N.G.O.
This Organization is presently engage with in various activities ranging for vocational to promotional work involving new programs of life development & care amidst the tribal people.
G.G Education of Paramedical Science is private organization register under Society’s act as 1860 Serves the important factors of improving the quality of life by serving the need for self development in the Hospital, Dispensaries, Companies, Organization, Communities Agencies & Corporate.
It is the organization which presently engaged in various activities like vocational training as well as other fields like Health Seminars i.e working with handicap people & health camps i.e organization Blood Donation Camp.
This organization work for the upliftment of women & children belonging to E.B.C (Economically Backward Class), minority adivasis, nomadic tribes, S.C, S.T, N.T, O.B.C & other depress classes of the society.
A Paramedic is an expert who assists the doctors in focused areas and aids for improved diagnosis and therapy. An upsurge in number of patients, plethora and diseases & the requirement for the vast kinds of treatment have cemented the role of Paramedical Professional who are expert technicians. The raising demand of trained paramedical professionals has unblocked numerous career opportunities for a lot of aspirants.